Destiny Buddy version history
Known issues
- If a deck that has only one card in the deck is exported to a Tabletop Simulator compatible json-file, it won't work properly.
- Some of the decimal numbers now use a specific formatting when saved. Depending on your local formatting the values can be weird. Once they're changed and saved again they will be fine.
- Added to the list of card databases to download card information and images from.
Custom set/card creation
- It is now possible to choose what type of cost each die side has from 4 options (resource, indirect damage, discard, shield).
- For the die sides' value the form now allows only values of X or 0-9.
- For the die sides' cost the form now allows only values of 0-9.
- Optimized loading and unloading graphics for the custom cards. This should reduce the memory usage by a big margin if one or more custom set projects have been created.
Proxy creation
- All the different settings should now be saved when closing Destiny Buddy.
Balance holocrons
- Selecting a card in the legal cards list now actually selects it.
- It is now possible to give negative point costs to cards in the holocron.
- There was a memory leak when creating proxy card pdf files which led to many issues. The following features were cut in order to avoid the memory leak issue:
- color adjustment options
- automatic cutting line color selection
- Filtering and displaying the cardlist should work faster now.
- It is now possible to choose where the cards.json -file is downloaded from.
- Attempts have been made to make Destiny Buddy more compatible when ran with Wine under Linux.
Deck building
- Deck importing now works from the following sites:
Proxy creation
- When creating proxies it is now possible to sort the list by name or by the card id.
- Card images and placeholder cards are now centered on the pdf pages.
- Cutting lines are now drawn on the edges of the pages in addition to around the cards.
- Cutting line properties are now saved in the settings.
Balance holocrons
- It is now possible to list cards that are legal despite them not being from any of the legal sets.
- The font used in the user interface can now be changed freely.
- Lists with checkboxes can now be checked/unchecked with single clicks.
- Card preview now shows more information when errata for the shown card is found.
- Added settings options for showing/hiding the errata box in the card preview window.
- Card preview window now shows a clickable link that can either copy the card's SWDestinyDB-url to the clipboard or attempt opening it. This link can be hidden in the settings.
- Added a column 'In active decks' that shows how many copies of each listed card is in the decks that have the active status.
- Added a filter for the 'In active decks' propery.
- Format list has been altered (...again. Sorry about the inconvenience.)
- "Infinite" has been renamed into "ARH Infinite"
- "Limited Infinite" has been renamed into "FFG Infinite"
- added "TCI Infinite"
- "Trilogy" has been renamed into "FFG Trilogy"
- Rearranged the deck management controls. Deck filters are now on a separate tab when viewing the list of different decks.
- Deck editor now has an option to show only the decks that have been edited within the past 30 days.
Custom draft generation
- Draft pack generation now allows including starter cards into the generated packs.
- Starter cards with a die can be chosen when rare cards are being selected.
- Starter cards without a die can be chosen when common cards are being selected.
- When adding additional characters to the packs starter rarity cards cannot be picked.
- It is now possible to create json files for the Tabletop Simulator out of the randomly generated card packs.
Proxy creation
- Cutting line color can now be automatically selected based on the colors in the card image.
- The cutting line thickness can now be changed.
- Proxy die face preview now scales to the size of the form.
- Proxy die face size and ring width are now saved in the settings.
- Proxy card and die face sizes can now be adjusted in 0.1mm increments.
Custom set/card creation
- When deploying custom set projects it is now possible to...
- Overwrite the existing zip-file if one already exists with the same name.
- Delete old image files from the image folder that match the setcode and card numbers with the cards in the deployed set.
- When custom sets are deployed they are loaded automatically so restarting of Destiny Buddy is no longer needed.
- Added completion% column for 2+ copies in the set, color and affiliation statistics.
- Statistics now shows the value of missing cards from having 1 or 2 copies of each card.
- Destiny Buddy should no longer crash if the main form is being closed when the "Would you like to download a new cards.json" -dialog is being shown.
- Cards can now actually be selected in the restricted pairings list in the holocron editor.
- Clicking "Save everything" should no longer cause a crash if there is no custom set open in the custom set editor -form.
- Closing a deck that has unsaved changes in the deck editor now asks if the changes should be saved before the deck is closed.
- When drawing the proxy die sides the 6th die side now uses the card's id-code instead of the card's number for the identification area.
- For example the identification area of a proxy die for card Master of Pirates in the Redemption-set would have shown "RM 96" in 1.10.1 but will now show "RM 92B" in 1.10.2.
- When exporting the cardlist currently shown in the card browser into a csv-file the contents of tags, generic value, buy value, sell value and notes are now properly exported.
- When adding new cards to a custom set the font size for the new card is now properly set to the maximum font size.
- The "Make automatic backups"-checkbox in the first time quick settings window now actually makes a difference.
- Proxy generator now allows drawing cutting lines to the result pdf.
- Proxy generator now allows making two-sided cards.
- To make a two-sided card select two cards in the proxy generator and click the "Toggle two-sided"-button.
- To undo this select the two-sided card and click "Toggle two-sided"-button again.
- Filtering form now has an option to filter cards based on if they have dice or not.
- Deck editor now shows how many cards from each set is in the deck.
- Added "TCI Standard" to the list of available formats in the deck editor.
- Characters can now have more than 2 die costs.
- When Destiny Buddy is being closed it will now ask the user if they want to save the deck that is open in the deck editor or the custom set that is open in the custom set editor if they have any unsaved changes.
- Cards with " in their names should no longer cause issues when exporting the decks to Tabletop Simulator.
- When creating a printable pdf that has die faces the landscape orientation should now work properly.
- Save everything button now saves the deck that is open in the deck editor if the deck has some unsaved changes.
New features
- Statistics form now lists the most commonly used cards in the saved decks.
- Die quality analyzing tool.
- The different coefficients for the die sides can be changed in the settings-window.
- There is 3 different presets which can all be changed depending on your opinions: burn, ramp and mill.
- Keep in mind that the evaluations don't involve the card text or possible special abilities. It is possible to adjust those values for each card separately.
- Even if careful adjustments have been made the evaluations should be used for entertainment purposes only. Great cards can be useless in certain match-ups or positions and cards that are unplayable normally could be really important in the right deck.
- Added update automation executable.
- Reworked the holocrons.
- Due to a more lenient save format the 1.10 is not compatible with holocrons created in 1.09 or earlier versions.
- Holocrons now contain separate lists for limited and banned cards.
- Restricted cards can now be grouped into multiple groups. Cards within the same group cannot be played together but if they are in different restriction groups then playing them together is fine.
- Added "ARH Standard" to the list of available formats in the deck editor.
- When creating custom cards the size of the font of card's text and flavor test can now be changed.
- It should now be possible to have cards with lower elite points cost than their normal cost is (for example 17 teambuilding points with 1 die and 15 points with 2 dice).
- It is now possible to adjust brightness, contrast and gamma values when creating proxy cards.
- Added a checkbox to the filtering form which tries to automatically match the filters with the currently open deck when the reset button is pressed.
- If no deck is open in the deck editor then the color, affiliation and selected sets are based on the default filters set in the settings.
- The color and affiliation settings are based on the colors and affiliations of the characters in the deck. Neutral affiliation and gray color are always enabled.
- When the checkbox is checked the selected sets are based on the used balance holocron. If no balance holocron is selected then the selected sets are based on the default filters set in the settings.
- It is now possible to select a custom card back when making proxy cards.
- Deck editor can now filter out decks that do not contain a specific card.
- It is now possible to change the maximum number of cards shown in the text and image card browsers.
- Paper orientation setting has been added to the settings.
- Added files that contain the information for die token inners parts and sleeves to the list of files that are included in the backups.
- Clicking "remove card" button in the printable card creator no longer causes an exception to occur.
- Fixed an issue when the setting "Ask if new cards.json should be downloaded is selected in the settings.
- Removing cards from custom sets should no longer cause wrong card numbers to be assigned to cards.
- Improved the card back drawing when creating printable proxy cards.
- Old: Card back was drawn once stretched to the determined size.
- New: Card back is first drawn stretched to the determined size and then the back is drawn again with 100% stretch. As a result the outer edges of the card back are stretched out as "bleed" around the card back.
- Fixed a bug that could lead to crashing if a custom set editor was closed when some of the fields were active.
Changes to custom set/card editor
- It is now possibleto make some text italic in the custom card's text.
- Slightly increased the text size in custom cards (from size 19 to 20). Size of the die side symbols was not altered.
- New cards are now blue hero cards with starter rarity by default.
- New cards are now given a name dependant on their position in the set instead of a running hidden id-number.
- Fixed card text being position too left when creating a support card.
- Improved the handling of symbols (like {melee}) in card text.
- Card title -field is now properly updated when a card is selected in the editor.
- Tweaked the distance between the rows in card name/title or when the card name spans on two rows.
- The star icon on unique cards should now be properly positioned in front of the the first row of the card name.
New features
- Custom card and set creation.
- Improved the proxy die side drawing to be more similar with the official SWD dice.
- Plots can now have normal and elite point costs.
- Character and plot teambuilding points are now shown in the card browser and deck editor when the point cost is negative or zero.
- Warning about deck containing cards from illegal sets should now properly be hidden when "Hide warnings" -text is clicked.
New features
- It is now possible to import decks from by using the deck's swdestinydb url or deck id.
- Deck editor can now export a list of all the erratas that have been applied to the cards contained in the deck.
- Destiny Buddy can now generate tokens which can be used to represent the dice of the cards.
- Updated the default tagfile for Covert Missions.
- When browsing decks in the deck editor it is possible to filter them based on the names of the decks or if the user owns all the cards used in the decks.
- Proxy creator can now print the backsides of the cards.
- It is now possible to assign notes for cards.
- Tradelist comparison now does not show 0 values.
- Tradelist comparison now shows how many copies of each card you own.
- There should be no "ding" when enter is pressed while a control in filtering form is selected.
- Added 40/40 Highlander and Limited Infinite as a selectable formats in the deck editor.
- Character point calculation should now work for non-unique elite characters.
- Team total health shound now be properly calculated when the team contains non-unique elite characters.
- Card that is selected should now be more reliably updated in the card preview, tag editor and inventory/card value - windows.
- Fixed the order of the different filters when going through them by using tab-key in the filtering form.
- Characters that don't have 2-die point cost cannot be made elite in the deck editor anymore.
- Deck editor now shows owned/not owned color properly for characters that exist as multiple copies in a deck. (For example if the deck contains 2 copies of Gamorrean Guards while only 1 copy is owned it is colored with the "not owned" color.)
- Sorting direction is now saved properly.
- Certain column settings might not have caused the changed settings to be saved.
- Default column width is now used (instead of 0) if some column's width is not found in the settings.csv.
- Card summary text now shows teambuilding point cost for plots instead of a resource cost of 0.
- Card summary text no longer shows resource cost of 0 for battlefields.
- When a deck is duplicated the version snapshot list is now updated accordingly.
- Multiline card text or flavor text should no longer cause issues when exporting the browser's cardlist.
- Confirmation window when deleting a trade should now be appropriately sized to show the yes and no buttons.
The first public release
Copyright © 2019- Ati Makkonen